Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cell organization, and viewing cells

Cells need mobility, sustainability, most cell sizes and shapes reflect their functions, and this is necessary for their homeostasis.

Ways of seeing:

Phase contrast takes advantage of variations in density within cells. the density variations alter certain regions of the cytoplasm to refract and bend light.

Conventional light microscopy doesn't allow assessment of live cells.
But can be very accurate and effective, especially with high quality slides.

Fluorescent microscopy utilizes location of molecules in cells. Fluorescent stains are molecules which absorb light energy at a particular wavelength and release some of that as a different wavelength.

Electron microscopes use electron beams, similar to how conventional microscopes use light. Where conventional microscopes use glass lenses, the electron microscope will utilize condenser lenses.

TEM- transmission electron microscopy
SEM- scanning electron microscopy

for TEM the specimen is suspended in plastic, which allows for extraordinarily thin slides, photographic plates.
for SEM the specimen is coated in gold or some other metallic substance, and is viewed as a solid.

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